IGP Important

What is an IGP and Why is it Important?
What is an Individual Graduation Plan (IGP)?
The IGP is a roadmap that guides each student toward their individual education, career and employment goals.
All 8th grade students recently completed the YouScience career assessment. YouScience is a comprehensive education-to-career platform that is designed to help all students prepare for academic and career success. The platform includes a series of timed ‘brain games’ designed to reveal their aptitudes, best-fit careers and educational opportunities.
Each student will present the results of their assessment during their 8th grade Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) conference.
IGP presentations are designed for students to:
-Identify their aptitudes and interests
-Explore career and educational opportunities
-Identify high school courses that align with their goals
This is a required presentation by each 8th-grade student. Parents and guardians are invited to attend their 8th grade student's IGP presentation in-person or virtually. Schedule your student's IGP conference at a time that works for you and your student using the booking link you received in your email.
This video can help you find and understand your YouScience results. https://youscience.my.site.com/helpcenter/s/article/how-do-i-walk-through-my-snapshot-results
Please be on the look out for an email/invite to schedule your IGP meeting!