
History of Leavelle McCampbell Middle School

History of Leavelle McCampbell Middle School

Local education was begun in earnest in the 1840’s by William Gregg, who build a cotton, mill and village in the west-central area of South Carolina.   An integral part of the town was a church and a school, the Graniteville Academy.

Believing that every child should be educated, Gregg made attendance compulsory.  He paid the teachers’ salaries, bought books, and even paid the families money equal to what the child would be earning in the mill.  He provided student transportation to and from school on the same wagon that hauled the cloth to his mill.  On occasion, he would search for a truant child, whisking him into his buggy and to school.

The original Leavelle McCampbell has been consolidated, integrated, reorganized, and its beautiful old granite brick building has been renovated.  It stands with pride in the heart of Aiken County’s textile community.  The original building is located in beautiful, historic downtown Graniteville.

A newly constructed Leavelle McCampbell Middle School opened in the Fall of 2017.  The new facility is located at 1102 Weldon Way, Graniteville, SC.

Courtesy of Idella Bodie