Drop Off, Pick Up Procedures and Bell Schedule
Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures
These procedures are in place to ensure the safety of all of our students.
Transportation Changes/ Notes
If your child does not have a note (signed & dated), we will send him/her home by bus or car according to the registration information on file. If a car rider needs to ride a bus or a bus rider needs to go to the car line, you must send a note with the child. We cannot take changes by telephone or by email!
Morning Arrival Procedures
Morning drop-off begins at 7:00 a.m. The building is locked, and there is no supervision before this time. In the morning, students should not be dropped off in car line before 7:00 a.m. This procedure is in place for the safety of all children. Thank you for your cooperation.
All drop-offs must be in the single carpool line along the sidewalk in the front of the school.
Cars are to stay in a single line in the morning (no passing or getting out of line) when dropping off their children. This is for the safety of all students.
Students cannot be dropped off in the line across the road and then walk across the road without an adult.
Parents may park and then walk their child all the way across the road.
Pull forward as far as possible to allow more cars in the designated drop-off area along the curb.
Breakfast will be served from 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. for students in 5K through 5th. Students must arrive before 7:30 a.m. to receive breakfast. The only exception is students riding a late bus.
Bus riders and car riders in 4K will report to the cafeteria upon arrival and will be served breakfast. The 4K aide and/or teacher will be on duty.
Parents will not be allowed to enter the building during morning arrival.
Afternoon Dismissal Procedures
Carline and Quest Zone
All students will wait inside the building and will be called to carline.
Students must be seated and remain quiet so teachers and students can hear names being called.
For the first group of vehicles, students should walk outside in an orderly manner as soon as their name is called. Students may go directly to their cars if their name is called in the first dismissal group.
After the first wave of loading, when students’ names are called, students will report to the covered walkway and will wait behind the red line. Students will load when told to do so by the teacher on duty.
An adult will walk 4K and 5K students to carline.
All parents must be in a vehicle and must display an official East Aiken School of the Arts’ carline tag in the front window. If the official East Aiken School of the Arts’ carline tag is not displayed, the driver will be asked to park and report to the front office for a card check to verify permission to pick-up. A photo ID will need to be presented to office personnel. You will then be asked to get back into the carline. No one will be allowed to enter the school to pick up a student during carline dismissal.
After the majority of the cars are gone, teachers will be asked to bring all remaining students to the covered walkway. Teachers on car road duty will supervise the remaining students.
At 3:00 p.m., teachers on car road duty will bring any student who has not been picked up into the office, and parents will be called. Parents must come into the front office and sign-out students who are picked up late.
Students who go to QuestZone may be signed out from QuestZone beginning at 3:00 p.m. If your child is not attending QuestZone, a transportation change note with a parent signature must be sent to school indicating the change, and parents must remain in carline for pick-up.
No sign-outs after 2:15 p.m.
Bus riders will be escorted to the buses by teachers who have bus duty.
All teachers on bus duty will assist in the loading of students on buses.
Students will not be removed from bus line after 2:15 p.m.