Thank you to our Watch D.O.G.S. volunteer of the day, Mr. Webb. We enjoyed having you on our campus today! #CCEChampions #WatchDOGS
about 2 months ago, Chukker Creek Elementary
Four Students, Watch DOG, and Dr. Evans standing
ONE POINT ABOUT THE ONE % NORTH AUGUSTA MIDDLE (NAMS), CONSTRUCTED IN 1954, IS THE OLDEST SCHOOL AMONG THE LIST OF PROJECTS THAT A 2024 RENEWAL OF THE ONE CENT SALES WOULD BENEFIT. Window air conditioning and heating units and metal-lined walls make indoor temperature control of this 1950s-era school (built without central heating and air) a challenge. At NAMS, the roof is leaking, doors are no longer fully shutting, and walkways and entrances to areas of the school built below grade flood on rainy days.. Part of the school was renovated previously and includes the cafeteria, science and music wing. If approved by voters, the recently updated areas are all that would remain. The original 1954 structure would be demolished, and a new, secure entryway, admin and classroom wing, media center, and gymnasium would be constructed. For more Penny Tax Facts, visit
about 2 months ago, Aiken County Public Schools
ONE POINT ABOUT THE ONE %  NORTH AUGUSTA MIDDLE (NAMS), CONSTRUCTED IN 1954, IS THE OLDEST SCHOOL AMONG THE LIST OF PROJECTS THAT A 2024 RENEWAL OF THE ONE CENT SALES WOULD BENEFIT.  Window air conditioning and heating units and metal-lined walls make indoor temperature control of this 1950s-era school (built without central heating and air) a challenge. At NAMS, the roof is leaking, doors are no longer fully shutting, and walkways and entrances to areas of the school built below grade flood on rainy days..  Part of the school was renovated previously and includes the cafeteria, science and music wing. If approved by voters, the recently updated areas are all that would remain. The original 1954 structure would be demolished, and a new, secure entryway, admin and classroom wing, media center, and gymnasium would be constructed.  For more Penny Tax Facts, visit
#RedRibbonWeek #LifeIsAMovie #DecadesDay
about 2 months ago, Chukker Creek Elementary
Red Ribbon Spirit Week! Thursday October 31 is Time Travel Movie Day! Wear an outfit from your favorite decade!
ONE POINT ABOUT THE ONE % FIVE OF EIGHT OF THE COUNTY’S HIGH SCHOOLS HAVE BEEN RECENTLY UPDATED OR REBUILT, A SALES TAX RENEWAL IN 2024 WOULD ADDRESS THE REMAINING THREE. South Aiken High, Silver Bluff High, and Midland Valley High were each built in 1980. At the time of the One Cent Sales Tax in 2014, they were referred to as the district’s “new” high schools. Improvements at those campuses, if approved by voters, include secure, welcoming entrances, updated athletic facilities, purpose-built classrooms for culinary arts and other CTE courses, and more. For more Penny Tax Facts, visit
about 2 months ago, Aiken County Public Schools
FIVE OF EIGHT OF THE COUNTY’S HIGH SCHOOLS HAVE BEEN RECENTLY UPDATED OR REBUILT, A SALES TAX RENEWAL IN 2024 WOULD ADDRESS THE REMAINING THREE.  South Aiken High, Silver Bluff High, and Midland Valley High were each built in 1980. At the time of the One Cent Sales Tax in 2014, they were referred to as the district’s “new” high schools. Improvements at those campuses, if approved by voters, include secure, welcoming entrances, updated athletic facilities, purpose-built classrooms for culinary arts and other CTE courses, and more.  For more Penny Tax Facts, visit
Attention parents, costumes are NOT permitted tomorrow!
about 2 months ago, Chukker Creek Elementary
No Costumes permitted tomorrow!
Mark your calendars! #CCEChampions
about 2 months ago, Chukker Creek Elementary
CCE November Upcoming Events
Two days lefts to receive a discount! The 10% off sale ends October 31st at 11:59pm PT. Do your end-of-school-year self a favor and purchase your yearbook today! #CCEChampions #Memories
about 2 months ago, Chukker Creek Elementary
Two Days Left to Save 10% on the Chukker Creek Elementary Yearbook
#RedRibbonWeek #LifeIsAMovie #TeamSpirit
about 2 months ago, Chukker Creek Elementary
Red Ribbon Spirit Week! Wednesday is Sports Movie All-Star Day! Wear your favorite sports jersey or team colors!
ONE POINT ABOUT THE ONE % THE SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL HOST A LIVE INFORMATIONAL MEETING ABOUT THE SALES TAX ON OCTOBER 29 AT 6PM. ACPSD has engaged in an effort to educate the community about the One Cent Sales Tax, and has shared information in a series of meetings held throughout the county over several months. A virtual meeting will be held this evening, Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at 6PM. Join at
about 2 months ago, Aiken County Public Schools
ONE POINT ABOUT THE ONE % THE SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL HOST A LIVE INFORMATIONAL MEETING ABOUT THE SALES TAX ON OCTOBER 29 AT 6PM. ACPSD has engaged in an effort to educate the community about the One Cent Sales Tax, and has shared information in a series of meetings held throughout the county over several months.  A virtual meeting will be held this evening, Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at 6PM.  Join at
Parents, for the safety of our students, we DO NOT take any transportation changes over the phone. All changes need to be submitted to the students teacher through email or Rooms. Also, please be prepared to present a valid ID anytime you enter our building. #CCEChampions #LearnLeadSuCCEed
about 2 months ago, Chukker Creek Elementary
Chukker Creek Reminders For Transportation Changes, Present a Valid ID for ALL sign-outs, Morning carline begins at 7:00, Breakfast is from 7:00-7:20am , Tardy bells rings at 7:30am (students who arrive after 7:30am must be escorted into the main office), Dismissal begins at 2:30pm (car riders should be picked up by 3:00pm each day), Students may NOT be signed out after 2:00pm
We will have our October CBIS Event on Friday of this week during Specials. Students need 45 minutes of reading, 45 minutes of math, and 5 DreamBox Lessons with no behavior referrals for the month of October to come to the event. (They must only have the minutes for the weeks we have been in school in October.) If you are unsure if your child can participate, please ask him/her and their teacher. #CCEChampions #LearnLeadSuCCEed
about 2 months ago, Chukker Creek Elementary
CCE CBIS Celebration (Chukker Creek Behavioral Interventions and Support) Friday November 1  Our celebration will be held during specials times. Students will have the opportunity to purchase the following treats: Cotton Candy, Chips, Drinks, and Pickles all for $1.00
#RedRibbonWeek #LifeIsAMovie #HollywoodRedCarpet
about 2 months ago, Chukker Creek Elementary
Red Ribbon Spirit Week! Tuesday, October 29 is Hollywood Red Carpet Day! Wear fancy clothes, jewelry, or Sunday best!
ONE POINT ABOUT THE ONE % THE SALES TAX IS A 10-YEAR TAX AND DOESN’T AUTOMATICALLY RENEW. Aiken County voters will have an opportunity to consider a renewal of the 2014 One Cent Sales Tax on Election Day. If renewed, the One Cent Sales Tax will extend for an additional 10 years and benefit school facility projects listed on the 2024 ballot. If not renewed, the 2014 One Cent Sales Tax will sunset (expire). For more Penny Tax Facts, visit
about 2 months ago, Aiken County Public Schools
ONE POINT ABOUT THE ONE %   THE SALES TAX IS A 10-YEAR TAX AND DOESN’T AUTOMATICALLY RENEW.   Aiken County voters will have an opportunity to consider a renewal of the 2014 One Cent Sales Tax on Election Day. If renewed, the One Cent Sales Tax will extend for an additional 10 years and benefit school facility projects listed on the 2024 ballot. If not renewed, the 2014 One Cent Sales Tax will sunset (expire).   For more Penny Tax Facts, visit
ONE POINT ABOUT THE ONE % BEFORE THE 2014 SALES TAX SUCCESS, IT HAD BEEN 38 YEARS SINCE A SCHOOL REFERENDUM PASSED. Prior to 2014, 1976 was the year of the last successful referendum benefitting the county's public schools. Without funds available, school maintenance needs were deferred over decades. For more Penny Tax Facts, visit
about 2 months ago, Aiken County Public Schools
BEFORE THE 2014 SALES TAX SUCCESS IT HAD BEEN 38 YEARS  SINCE A SCHOOL REFERENDUM PASSED. Prior to 2014, 1976 was the year of the last successful referendum benefitting the county's public schools.  Without funds available, school maintenance needs were deferred over decades. For more Penny Tax Facts, visit
ONE POINT ABOUT THE ONE % SC PUBLIC SCHOOLS GET NO FUNDING FOR CONSTRUCTION/MAINTENANCE Upkeep, maintenance, and construction of schools is considered a “local responsibility” in South Carolina. School Facilities are funded locally through voter support of sales taxes and bond referendums. We will be sharing information and facts about the One Cent Sales Tax as we lead up to Election Day on Tuesday, November 5. For more information, please visit our website at www.acpsd/OneCent. Please make plans to join us at 6 p.m., Monday or Tuesday night this week for an informational meeting. Tonight’s meeting, Monday, October 28, will be at Midland Valley High School, and tomorrow, Tuesday, October 29, you can join us virtually as we’ll live stream an informational meeting from our District office to our website where viewers can join online from the comfort of their own home.
about 2 months ago, Aiken County Public Schools
ONE POINT ABOUT THE ONE %  SC PUBLIC SCHOOLS GET NO FUNDING FOR CONSTRUCTION/MAINTENANCE  Upkeep, maintenance, and construction of schools is considered a “local responsibility” in South Carolina. School Facilities are funded locally through voter support of sales taxes and bond referendums.   We will be sharing information and facts about the One Cent Sales Tax as we lead up to Election Day on Tuesday, November 5. For more information, please visit our website at www.acpsd/OneCent.
Congratulations to our Quarter 1 Honor Roll Champions! #LearnLeadSuCCEed #CCEChampions
about 2 months ago, Chukker Creek Elementary
Chukker Creek Elementary Quarter 1 A Honor Roll
Chukker Creek Elemenary Quarter 1 AB Honor Roll
Join us for a fun filled night of activities and experiments! #CCEChampions #LearnLeadSuCCEed #MathAndScience
about 2 months ago, Chukker Creek Elementary
Chukker Creek Elementary School Math and Science Family Night! Thursday, October 24 6:00-7:00pm Join us for some fun games, hands-on activities and experiments, and more! We hope you'll join us! This is a Title 1 event!
Our Red Ribbon Spirit Week kicks off Monday, October 28! *All attire must meet district dress code.*
2 months ago, Chukker Creek Elementary
Red Ribbon Week Spirit Days! October 28-November 1  "Life is a Movie. Film Drug-Free" Monday, Superhero Day Tuesday Hollywood Red Carpet Day Wednesday Sports Movie All Star Day Thursday Time Travel Day Friday Red Ribbon Finale
CCE in partnership with Aiken Equine presents Trick or Trot Halloween at the Rescue Candy Drive! We are asking for candy donations for this event. ALL families are invited to attend the Trick or Trot event on Saturday, October 26th from 5:30-7:00pm. #CCEChampions #CommunityPartnerships #TrickOrTrot
2 months ago, Chukker Creek Elementary
CCE in partnership with Aiken Equine Rescue presents Trick or Trot Halloween at the Rescue Candy Drive. Gather Your Treats! Please bring in your donations by October 24th. Trick or Trot, Saturday, October 26, 532 Glenwood Drive in Aiken.
Help us "SCARE" away hunger! The class in each grade level that brings in the most cans will receive a special prize! Please bring your canned goods to your teacher before placing in the bins. #CCEChampions #ItsSpookyToBeHungry #ScareAwayHunger
2 months ago, Chukker Creek Elementary
CCE It's Spooky to Be Hungry Help Us "Scare" Away Hunger! The class in each grade level that collects the most can will receive a special prize! Bring canned goods to your teacher before placing in the bins!