Gifted & Talented

Academically Gifted & Talented Educational Program 

Mission Statement

The mission of Aiken County Public Schools' Gifted and Talented Educational Program is to maximize the potential of gifted and talented students in providing a program that will match the unique characteristics of the gifted learner.

What does gifted mean?

In accordance to South Carolina Regulation 43-220:
Gifted and talented students are those who are identified in grades one through twelve as demonstrating high performance ability or potential in academic and/or artistic areas and therefore require an educational program beyond that normally provided by the general school program in order to achieve their potential.
Gifted and talented abilities for these regulations include - Academic and Intellectual Ability: Students who have the academic and/or intellectual potential to function at a high level in one or more academic areas.

How are students identified?

Gifted and talented students are found within all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. Identification is a multi-step process, established by the South Carolina Department of Education.

All second grade students are tested with a nationally-normed aptitude and achievement test in the fall. Students in other grades are screened based on any new data less than two years old. No private testing may be accepted for consideration, but may be used for referral purposes. Teachers, parents, and administrators may refer a student for screening at any time during the school year.

In order to qualify for placement in the academically gifted and talented program, a student must meet the eligibility criteria in two of the following three dimensions.

Aiken County Public Schools also uses locally-established criteria to identify and serve students who are high-achieving in grades 3-8. Students qualify based on standardized test scores and academic achievement data.

The Aiken County Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic or racial background, religious beliefs, sex, disability, economic or social conditions, alienage, national origin, immigrant status (except as limited or restricted by certain visa qualifications set forth in federal law) or by English-speaking status in, or employment in, its programs and activities. Inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies should be made to the Chief Officer of Administration (803) 641-2420.

Department Resources

For gifted and talented inquiries related to academics, please contact Kathy Langston, Director of Teaching and Learning, at

For artistic gifted and talented inquiries, or inquiries related to acGateway, please contact Mabry MacGregor, Director of acGateway, at Email Mabry MacGregor