Welcome to The Center for Innovative Learning at Pinecrest
CIL Mission Statement:
"We believe all children should be challenged academically, physically, and socially, and that all children are unique individuals with the ability to learn. Our mission is to provide opportunities for all students to have engaged learning experiences."
If your student has been referred to the Center for Innovative Learning, please call (803) 641-2680 to schedule an intake.
All students must be enrolled and registered at a home school before attending The Center for Innovative Learning.
Week Zero Program
Week Zero @ The Center for Innovative Learning is a powerful holistic approach encompassing the right blend of disciplines, with the focus being on the habits of the mind and the heart. Week Zero is a venue for severe disciplinary referral level students, in grades 6th – 12th, enrolled at the Center for Innovative Learning. Week Zero provides us with the opportunity to be proactive in our approach, and be rehabilitative, as opposed to being punitive, in our actions. Giving a student a consequence, but never teaching them how to effectively handle the situation does not give the student the capacity to be self-sustaining in the event a similar situation arises. Therefore, Week Zero is designed to teach students life skills to draw from when faced with challenges life brings. The short-term goal is to equip students with strategies to get them back into their home school with a new attitude. Life skills, in combination with acclimation to the CIL campus, is what Week Zero offers all 6th-12th grade students in the first week of Alternative Placement.
How the Program Works
All Aiken County Schools may send, as an alternative consequence, severe disciplinary level students to the Center for Innovative Learning. Students will begin the Alternative program on Monday of each week. Upon entrance into the Alternative School, the student is assigned to Week Zero for a period of one week. On average, Week Zero supports 12 to 20 students each week but attendance varies, as it is determined by the feeder schools. Each student will sign a contract agreeing to the procedures and expectations. The student will go through numerous topics on behavior modification before entering into a traditional classroom setting. The training is done through discussion, journaling, motivational videos, community speakers and a computer software program called the “Ripple Effect”. The student is required to pass an exit assessment in order to successfully complete the program.
Presenting WEEK ZERO: Ms. Alexander/ Mr. Menzies
CIL Expectations and Procedures
Address and Contact Information
Center for Innovative Learning
1050 Pinecrest Avenue NW
Aiken, SC 29801
Phone: 803-641-2680
Fax: 803-641-2681
Hours of Operation
Office Hours: 8:30 am-4:30 pm
School Hours: 10:00 am-4:30pm