
General Payroll Information for New Hire Employees

Payroll is processed on a semi-monthly basis with pay dates on the 5th and 20th of each month, with the following exceptions:

  • If the 5th or 20th is a non-workday, payday is the last workday prior to the normal pay date.

  • December and January: There are three (3) paychecks issued in December. One is for the first January pay.

All full-time and part-time permanent salary and hourly employees’ paychecks are calculated on an annualized basis. Example of annualized pay calculations based on a full school year:

  • Daily Rate X Days Worked in the School Year = Gross Annual Salary

  • Gross Annual Salary divided by 24 paychecks per year = Semi-Monthly Gross Paycheck Amount

Employees employed less than a full year, will receive an adjustment check with the remaining checks being based on the annualized semi-monthly gross paycheck amount.

All PRN and TEMP employees are paid semi-monthly on actual time worked per the pay day schedule on the District website. The schedule is found under Division of Finance > Payroll

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