District Hearing Officer

The Aiken County Public School District Hearing Officer is responsible for ensuring that the Code of Conduct is being upheld by students. The Hearing Officer oversees the processes for all students recommended for expulsion and alternative placement.

Student Conduct


The board expects students to conduct themselves in an orderly, courteous, dignified and respectful manner. This requirement refers to their actions toward other students and teachers, their language, their dress and their manners. The board believes self discipline is an interpersonal goal of public education.

Students have a responsibility to know, respect and abide by the policies, rules and regulations of the school and district. Violations of such policies, rules and regulations will result in disciplinary actions. The board directs the administration to establish rules and regulations necessary to create and preserve conditions essential to orderly operation of the schools.  

The board reserves the right to bar from schools those students whose personal appearance is disruptive to the educational process and/or the orderly operation of the schools. The board authorizes its school authorities to employ probation and suspension and to recommend expulsion, if necessary, to enforce this policy.