4K Registration Questions & Answers
Application Documents
Is there a registration fee required for the 4K program?
No, there is no registration fee required for the 4K program in the Aiken County Public School District.
What types of Proof of Residency are required?
A proof of residency document is required. A mortgage contract, rental agreement or utility bill from the provided address (water, light, etc.) If the parent and student live at an address for which the parent is not the owner, a notary form is required.
Can the parent provide an immunization record after 4 year old shots/dr. visit OR exemption certificate provided by the health department?
A current immunization record is required, but you should upload the most recent immunization record you have. Your application can not be processed until we have an immunization record on file. Parents are to submit the current form and provide an updated form to the teacher after the 4 year old checkup/shots. An immunization form must be included in the enrollment packet at registration. Immunization Exemption certificates issued by the state health department or doctor’s office are allowable in the place of a current immunization record.
Will a letter stating that the Medicaid card is approved and is on the way acceptable?
Yes. The application packet will become inactive however, if the Medicaid card is not presented to the school/teacher within 30 days of registration.
Is a certified birth certificate required?
Yes, an official birth certificate is required. The certificate issued by the hospital with the child’s feet prints is not acceptable. This documentation is required as proof of age.
Are parents required to submit current pay stubs or tax W2s for proof of income?
If the student does not have a Medicaid card, a pay stub or tax document is required.
Child Early Reading and Development Education Program - CERDEP